Responses to regeneration at the site of a former shipyard in Clydebank. This study of layered simultaneous experiences of a shared location point to our ability to adapt to environmental changes.
This timelapse documents the construction of a leisure centre on the slipway from which the QE2 and Queen Mary were launched. Hand-held shots, taken from the neighbouring college, and placeholder frames representing days on which it was closed, result in a film that contrasts with the seamless corporate documentation of the build. Instead, a personal relationship with the cycle of regeneration-degeneration is foregrounded.
The gallery shows a selection of zoom shots of construction workers taken from the same position and highlights the scale of the task they accomplished and conditions in which they worked as I observed their work from indoors.


Simultaneous layers of time, place and environmental phenomena combine to suggest a complex post-industrial soundscape. Reference to R Murray Schafer's classifications highlights the range of sounds of significance in a community.
Previously published as modality in Time and Tide (Arachne Press)